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Image by Paulina H.


The meaning behind the name

Sage Asteria
Choosing a business name is never easy - believe me when I say there were almost many other names before we landed here. (no not that, it sounds like a pub, nope that's too much of a mouthful.. what about..? oh never mind..) It certainly took it's time, until I woke up one day, and it just clicked.

I chose Sage Asteria for what these words represent, and how I wanted this business to feel.

Sage is used in many rituals. Often burnt to help cleanse a person or space. Sage promotes healing, clarity and wisdom. This stems from many different indigenous peoples across the globe and spans many centuries.


Asteria, the Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of night time divinations such as oneiromancy (the interpretation of dreams in order to foretell the future) and astrology (by stars). Asteria is also the mother of Hecate (the goddess of witchcraft).


More than just a beauty salon

Welcome, my name is Carly, owner and creator of Sage Asteria.
You can often find me with my nose in a book with a warm cup of tea, or strolling the beach watching the gorgeous waves down at Phillip Island.
After working six years at a Salon in Hawthorn, alongside my own business, I decided to take a leap and go all out on my own. Working with empowering women is what has lead me here.
My dream was to create a beautiful space close to home, so when a spare room became available, I thought... why not in my home!
I aimed to create a space that was welcoming, warm and safe. I truly think this was surpassed and hope you find as much solace here as I do!

Sage Asteria is more than just a beauty treatment - yes I want you to feel as beautiful as you can, but I also want you to experience this inside and out. I take a holistic approach with everything I do. Whether that be a brow shape and tint, or a session of Reiki.

Follow me on this journey. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Church Candles
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